Thursday, October 13, 2011

Something To Think About

I was just thinking... since we have Monday as our designated Family night Boldcourse, Tuesday is i2, and Wednesday is Power up/Activate, this would mean that We have nothing on Thursday. So I'm designating Blog night. What does that mean to you? Nothing. But you could read and refer. Perhaps you know someone that needs a word of encouragement.
The past few weeks we have been studying the book of Job. I have to say no matter how many times I read it, I always get something new from it. I think that no one could ever really relate to this man. He had everything, lost everything, then gained it back sevenfold all at the expense of an interaction between God and satan. But wait... what was the real theme of the book of Job? Anyone? Anyone? YES!!! God is in control! Yes He will never allow anything to happen to us unless He wants it to. Even if it means we lose everything. But even if we lost everything, in the sense that we know, have we truly lost anything at all? After all if God allowed something like this to happen to one of us today did we really lose anything at all? I submit to you a resounding NO! We can not lose anything that is not ours. I hear a Huh? in the background.
We could get into the discussion about "Do we really 'own' anything at all?" Or, we could discuss that what we have that is worth anything is stored up in heaven where moth can not destroy or thieves can  not steal.
My point and application:
If we trust that God is solely in charge then we can totally trust in Him.
I was reminded this afternoon about a place in Greece that I visited. It was a place to worship a Greek god named Pan. It was not like a temple or anything but instead it was a hillside that had no real order or organization to it. The worshippers did not really 'worship' but rather ran around as though they were confused or manic. They were in total 'Pan'damonium, and in 'pan'ic. They didn't know what to do? These are where we get our English words. They did this because something in their life happened and they were suffering some undeserved adversity.
You see we have a God of order and of organization. We can rest assured that God is in control and trust in Him. God received glory and honor in the book of Job. Job suffered horrific adversity only to bring the God who made everything by His word glory. How many times have we "suffered" and not realized that we have an opportunity to bring God glory. What a privilege!
Next time we find ourselves having a bad day or we are in the face of adversity, rest on the promise that we have from Job and not panic and run around in pandemonium.
P.S. Ever wonder where Peter PAN got his name? Perhaps?

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